Ivory Johnson Articles

  • An Alzheimer’s wave is coming
    Published: November 15, 2022 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: To paraphrase Alex de Tocqueville, #FTX went from Lehman Brothers to Enron without ever stopping at Stratton Oakmont. Continue reading
  • How will FTX impact Bitcoin?
    Published: November 15, 2022 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: To paraphrase Alex de Tocqueville, #FTX went from Lehman Brothers to Enron without ever stopping at Stratton Oakmont. Continue reading
  • Whatever happened to all the crypto bros?
    Published: June 8, 2022 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: It seems like just yesterday the crypto currency enthusiasts were counting chickens weeks before they were scheduled to hatch. Continue reading
  • Things you should know about aging parents
    Published: May 31, 2022 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: The cost of care for an elderly parent has been well documented. For instance, the national average for a private room at a nursing home and a Home Health Aid costs $9,034 and $5,148 a month respectively. Continue reading
  • How the Financial Services Industry is Changing
    Published: July 22, 2020 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Financial advisors and the experts occupying split screens on cable television shows have preached to consumers about all things financial for decades. Continue reading
  • How to Get your Kids off Payroll
    Published: July 2, 2020 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: The burdens of stagnant wage growth and student loan debt make it increasingly difficult for young adults to gain their financial footing. Continue reading
  • Is Your Socially Responsible Investment Really Responsible?
    Published: June 1, 2020 | 12:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Socially responsible investing can be described as a strategy to purchase securities of companies known to profit from ethically sound business practices. Continue reading
  • Our Emotional Relationship with Money and why it Matters
    Published: Monday, 1 June 2020 | 12:53 PM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Money is indeed emotional and our relationship with it will often determine how successful we are in managing our resources. Continue reading
  • Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?
    Published: Monday, 1 June 2020 | 9:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Few are willing to risk being lionized for calling social security a Ponzi scheme, rebuked for using the foul language of common sense that most Americans understand. Continue reading
  • What Should You Do If Your Pension Is On Shaky Ground?
    Published: Thursday, 27 April 2020 | 2:53 PM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Americans have been told for years that retirement income sits on a three-legged stool supported by social security, personal savings and pensions. Continue reading

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