Ivory Johnson Articles

  • What Should You Do If Your Pension Is On Shaky Ground?
    Published: Thursday, 27 April 2020 | 2:53 PM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: Americans have been told for years that retirement income sits on a three-legged stool supported by social security, personal savings and pensions. Continue reading
  • Where do we go from here?
    Published: Thursday, 9 April 2020 | 2:53 PM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: There’s an old saying that if you want to make God laugh, make plans. Many of us had it all mapped out. Continue reading
  • We’re about to learn a lot about ourselves
    Published: Friday, 17 March 2020 | 2:53 PM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: There are things that happen slowly and others all at once, changing our perspective with the speed of a switchblade. In just a few short weeks our world, if not already turned upside down, is stumbling badly. The financial markets have careened 20 percent lower from their highs and by definition have now crashed. Continue reading
  • Why most investors have no idea how much risk they’re taking in the market
    Published: Friday, 6 March 2020 | 11:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: The Lower East Side of New York City is like a lot of neighborhoods in most American cities – we had working class families, a few ballers and your run of the mill gangsters spread out amongst us. And because I was once young, I recall going to parties in dangerous locations because for one reason or another they turned out to be the most fun. Continue reading
  • Estate planning: Not just for the 1%
    Published: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 | 11:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: There's a common misperception that estate planning is reserved for the wealthy, as an attempt to shield assets from the grasp of Uncle Sam—but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, estate planning is giving what you have to whom you want, the way you want, when you want and with the least amount of taxes and expenses possible. Continue reading
  • What They Forgot to Tell You About the Tax Legislation
    Published: Friday, 31 January 2020 | 11:53 AM ET l By: Ivory Johnson, CFP, ChFC, Founder, Delancey Wealth Management, LLC :: My father once told me that there are two types of thieves: the ones who break into your house to steal your TV and the ones who convince you to sign on the dotted line. The tax legislation has been a tale of those receiving a tax break and others who have seen their obligation increase. Taxpayers cannot change their exposure in the short term, but they can certainly plan for the future. Continue reading

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